
Monday, July 9, 2012

If It's the Inside that Counts. . .

. . . then stop caring so much about the outside.

Yes, you should have good hygiene. Yes, your clothes should fit and match.

But, no, your appearance should not consume you.

When you get up in the morning, you should be thinking about what you can do to make this day the best yet -- not what you can do to make yourself the best-dressed.

3 Tips to Lowering Concern for the Outer Appearance

1. Turn around or cover all of your mirrors.

You can tell without a mirror whether your clothes fit and match, or not. And makeup is rarely required for the job. If you have unruly hair, keep a portion of the bathroom mirror uncovered -- and only stand in front of it long enough to put your locks in place.

Keep your mirrors out of sight for at least a week. Use the time you'd normally spend on your appearance for something else, like learning a new dance step or cleaning the shower.

2. Stop reading fashion magazines.

Sure, you can play it off as enjoying beauty, but all that "beauty" impacts your self-image. And probably not in the best of ways.

Instead of spending time examining the glossed-up images of others, find ways to enjoy the body you've been given.

Pick up a new exercise routine, find a group to play a few games of volleyball or frisbee with. Even if you have zero experience and skill, you can enjoy these things. You may even discover talent you didn't know you had.

3. Work on your insides.

And this is meant in the least gross of ways.

Think about who you are, how you treat others, and identify ways you can improve. Maybe you find yourself judging people or writing them off without giving them a fighting chance. Maybe your thoughts horrify you and you wish they'd just shut up.

If you're going to criticize yourself, then do it constructively on the things that matter -- not on your appearance, which in ten years will be outdated and in twenty years will be coated with wrinkles.

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